Tuesday, 5 August 2008

The TATA ridley!

They are perhaps the cutest things that keep coming to India year after year, and we do all we can to harm them... destroy their nests, steal their eggs, kill them for meat and shell... steal the young ones for exotic pet sales.

Read about some issues here.

And now there is a new port that is being planned at the locations these turtle keep coming to lay their eggs! Gahirmatha's seas are one of the world's largest breeding areas for the Olive Ridley Turtle. The Dhamra port could signal the end of this habitat forever.

Greenpeace has been pursuing the TATAs to change the location of the port since a while, and has taken out quite a few campaigns for this. This seems to be going on the right way as finally the TATAs seem to have taken notice and are hiring PR agents to look into the harm these campaigns are doing to their public image, and what can be done to save it! Wouldn't it be easier just to change the location of the port? Or is it that the souls have been sold already?

These turtles are going to need all the help and support from us that they can get. Read about the GreenPeace efforts here.I have been supporting this since a while. I would hope you would be concerned and sign it as well and spread the word.

PS: I realize I have started sounding like one of those guys who are ready to march out for anything and everything....but I think I am concerned about the environment. After all, we have but one earth, and in the end of the day, it is left to us to decide what we want to make of it....we could turn it to a land of wonders, or a valley of shame. Let's make the right choice.


Anonymous said...

Greed is good. And turtle soup is better.

Abhijit said...

I am very sure it is....turtle soup being delicious!

however, if you were indeed so proud of your achievement of being greedy, have the courage to show your self!

PS: you might want to check what turtle soup is made of....mostly, it is snapping turtles.....and that too, in a very limited amount!

PPS: I'm happy you at least have the saving grace of being funny!

Norbert said...
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Norbert said...

Thanks for blogging about the campaign to rescue the Olive Ridleys from TATA's estructive port at Dhamra.

Could you please email me? We need your help again now!
