Tuesday, 5 August 2008

It's hard to get by just upon a smile...

Once in a while, things happen and they touch you in a way you never thought they could. Currently there has been this controversy about abortion laws in India, and the decision was out yesterday, and nothing has been changed.

I am confused as to what I really think of the decision. On one hand, it is indeed true that the kid, in all probability, would be born with a congenital heart disease, and that is never a good thing. And while it's cruel and not right to say so, that kid will never really have a chance to lead a normal life. Its parents, their life will be messed up as well! Treating congenital heart diseases are expensive, and add to that the hopelessness of the situation, and the frustration of the whole system working against it. I feel for the parents. I really do.

Then again, this whole episode is simply another controversy over mercy killing, stated, or otherwise. Who are we to decide if or not that kid would develop the disease? Miracles happen! And in the end of the day, how can we decide for someone else, if or not he deserves a chance at life; however difficult it might be?

Personally, my opinion tilts towards aborting the foetus; it tilts very slightly, but very definitely. Here is a case of a couple, who are trying to save their unborn child from a life of innumerable discomfort and disadvantages, and trying to save themselves from pain. They had the boldness to question the system, and thank heavens for that!

Now that the decision is made, this will fade form the headlines to the second pages, and from there to invisibility. I wonder the legislature would take note, and maybe think what might be done. Life is not just being able to breathe in and out. It's also about the experience you have in this world. I would hope this kid has a decent life at the least. I would hope its parents have the courage to face life as it comes. I would hope that in between the pain, they at least have moments of sublime happiness to aid them forward.

I guess we Indians are an emotional lot. But we tend to forget that a man and a woman, together or independent, have a life beyond kids. They are people, and not just moms and dads. Maybe they should have a better chance at it!

In any case, this is just another headline, till the next cricket match. Media focus moves on.

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