Wednesday, 14 May 2008

A 3.07AM Thought

Why does Richard Branson call his enterprise Virgin Atlantic when it is fairly obvious his interests lie elsewhere entirely?
Actually... forget I asked.


A said...

its called irony, and then there's always a charm in debauchery under the pretence of virginal behaviour....its like some people have a fetish for nuns in their habit....was it don juan or lord byron? or cassanova? i forget....but think of the probable action going on in the loos of the virgin atlantic... not virginal at all

that definitely is the best part of it...the irnoy ie :P

Anonymous said...

why do all your blogable thoughts strike you in the night. On a slightly different note, what keeps you awake at nights?

Betty Foy said...

@All: I'm curious... what part of "forget i asked" was incomprehendible?