Thursday, 8 May 2008


Today’s Fortune: Serious trouble will bypass you.

So far today I’ve:
  • been late for the one class for which the tutor is a clock-worshipper (what are the odds of that really… I’m never late… most of my tutors don’t bother when people walk in… and here I am… late for this one class… sheesh!)
  • been beaten on my own turf by a prospective accountant (for chrissake!)
  • missed a high distinction in a paper by 0.3 of a mark
  • been given a re on bathroom fatigues which I spent an hour on last night (what is she… blind?)
  • been having a bad hair day… a really bad hair day… all the static from all the electrical appliances within a mile radius seems to be nestled in my dreads… I kid you not… think a really prickly hedgehog
  • run entirely out of comfort food… even the emergency chocolate stock… how could I have forgotten to re-stock? Damn.
And it’s just 1.57 in the afternoon… I shudder to think of the serious trouble that bypassed me… what if it hadn’t? Would I now be dead? Sobering thought that.
Maybe it’s past time I took matters into my own hands… and maybe I can begin by calling up Accommodation and asking them to justify that entirely unprovoked, uncalled for, and thoroughly undeserved housekeeping notice. It isn’t that I’m a fatigue-shirker… anything but, in fact… I can mop and scrub with the best, and then some. It’s the principle of the thing. Anyway… it’s not like I have anything to lose… what more could possibly go wrong… I mean I can die, but other than that.

Update: Housekeeping retracted notice on re-inspection as demanded in stentorian accents by a justifiably incensed me. Up with anti-establishmentarianism… (I can’t believe I’m finally using a word with so many syllables contextually).


Unknown said...

guess the trouble just went right through you..... ;)
Long time no see buddy... Howz professor X doing?

Betty Foy said...

Uh?!? Do you have the right number, dear sir?!?