Saturday, 10 October 2009


It was a misty, misty morning in here. And it was Durga Puja back home. Puja was early this year, and so it must have been rather hot and humid; not the usual cool of the onset of winter and the coral lilies strewn on the ground with the soft sweet smell sifting through each breath that I usually associate with Puja. But it was misty here, and I was homesick for the first time in a long long time.

So here I was, listening to Tagore's songs on youtube, feeling melancholy and perhaps even lonely. I have almost always been more comfortable with english than bengali as a mode of communication, partly because i've been away from home since a while; but these songs have a way of touching my soul that I've not experienced with anything else. If it has to do with Tagore being the genius he was, or with the language, or the fact that I literally grew up with these songs I do not know. But I'll just post one such song here.

This is not the best version of the song. Tagore's songs should not be overpowered with instruments. But some misty mornings, the soul of the song transcends its rendition. Some misty mornings distances and time lose out to the flight of a nostalgic dream. Some misty mornings, the mist rolls down your face and ruins homework you've been working on, and yet you don't really care.

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