Friday, 20 March 2009

Evil Under the Sun

There is always a reason behind all evil men, women and pigs commit. Mostly fun. Sometimes processes less primal and profound. So I never really mind when people are rude, or insolent, or generally pea-brained. They have their reasons, and that's that.

(Of course I exact revenge... but then that is what I am supposed to do. It's very quid pro quo if you get my meaning.)

But the one thing I can never excuse is not respecting someone else's time. It's like you don't register as a discrete entity. Which is why it is much much more debased than being merely unethical or immoral. It's unprofessional.

So whenever I have to insult you, please believe me when I say that I'll be on time. Even if you are a woolly-brained, lily-livered glob of fat with the IQ of an amoeba who is missing half a chromosome - you matter.

Monday, 16 March 2009


I simply adore stories with parallel character development. I can’t wait for all of them to start running into each other while doing their own thing.

Maybe I have a hidden socially-adjusted side after all.

Aside: Are we now defunct? Why am I always the last person to find out anything? Hell.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

The Turner Code

Everyone knows that Adam and Eve were the only people around for a long, very long, time (if you don't believe that then you're headed for eternal damnation anyway and aren't going to be around for the long haul... so you obviously do not matter). Now, neither was a priest. As a logical corollary, they were quite obviously unmarried. Cain, Abel and Seth, and by implication the rest of humanity that followed, are all therefore bastards (yes, that is french). This is on top of everyone being related to each other, and being, when push comes to shove, siblings, seeing as how Adam and Eve themselves were related... what with the rib and all. Research indicates that interbreeding leads to degeneration and insanity. Marquez agrees.

The world finally begins to make sense.