Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Why Cyndi Lauper Had It Right

I got my first chocolates-and-flowers deal today. Delivered to the Law School desk because the person who sent it didn't know precisely where to reach me. And if there is anything more embarrassing than walking down the university hallway clutching a bouquet and a box of chocolates in one hand and Gibson's Introduction to Business Law in the other, then I have yet to experience it.
Be that as it may. I have been suitably oohed and aahed over by fellow flatmates and assorted of gender affiliations startlingly similar to mine. And I have discovered that I absolutely spiffingly wholeheartedly love being a woman. I like high heels and short skirts and girl talk and mushy movies and stuff toys and shopping and hot guys. And I love getting surprise gifts in the mail. Especially if it is flowers and chocolate. This last bit is a recent discovery.
So thank you God... this here is a job well done... let me know if you ever need references.


Anonymous said...

another of ur lovers or a boyfriend finally?

Abhijit said...

well...you forgot to mention Dr. Lowwweeeeee

i resent that!

Betty Foy said...

@V: You make me sound morally loose... go play in traffic.

@Abhi: I bow before your munificence and greatness Dr. Lowwweeeee. I hereby name the teddy Abhijit. Now excuse me while I retrieve my evil laugh.