I and my flatmate met after a long while..well...a gap of four days, which is a considerable gap when you both are actually living in the same flat. In case you are wondering what the issue is then, well, we have different work schedules. I work morning till evening/night, and he works evening till morning. Hence we just say hello when I am leaving in the morning, ie, under normal circumstances. But lately I've been working a tad too much and too long...hence the gap.
It was nice, we chatted a bit, cribbed about work, and well...he cooked Iromba (it's a fabulous Manipuri dish cooked with boiled veggies and fermented fish. I am hoping I got the spelling correct!) which I absolutely love. But then, the office cab honked it's horn and I had to leave. So the Iromba goes to the refrigerator for my supper. But it suddenly felt good after a long while.
Today when most of the urban youth in India are staying away from their family and hometown, it's funny how we create our own suppport systems wherever we go. For some, it's the internet and virtual friends, for some its phone calls home, and for some, it's 30 minutes of just casual talking with the flatmate you've known only for the past 5 months.
Hence, next time I start feeling lonely and lost, I'll know that I am lucky; at least I have a real person to talk to and see when I get back home.
Yes, finally, home is not just back in Silchar.